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The characters of Abigail and Elizabeth Essay Example

The characters of Abigail and Elizabeth Essay How does Miller pass on the characters of Abigail and Elizabeth and shape our reactions to ...

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Crime and Prostitution Essay Example for Free

Crime and Prostitution Essay Prostitution is known as the oldest profession in the world, however, many states in the U.S. outlaw it. The textbook definition of prostitution is the act or practice of engaging in sexual acts for money (Prostitution, Macmillan 805). Nevada is the first in the United States to legalize prostitution. Although the long term effects of legalized prostitution is uncertain, the short term effects have been economically beneficial. Prostitution should be legalized because not only could it financially benefit the country, but it could also reduce crime. There are many reasons why prostitution is illegal in 49 U.S. states today. First, and foremost, many people feel that prostitution should stay illegal in order to preserve morality. Parents do not want their children to grow up thinking that prostitution is acceptable. Worse yet, parents do not want to hear their children say, When I grow up, I want to be a prostitute. Christianity also looks down upon prostitution because according to their beliefs, the act of sex is only to be done when a man and a women are in love and married. Monogamy is to be practiced in the marriage, and any violation of this is considered a sin. Another reason why the preservation of morality is so important is that peoples morals shape the future of a nation. Many people feel that if prostitution is legalized, then its long term effects would be detrimental to the.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

The Book That Really Did Change My Life Essay -- How Education Has Chan

Periodically while surfing the internet I encounter a page entitled "Books That Changed My Life", with a list of books that purportedly changed the life of the author. I am always irritated by these pages, because I never see any evidence that the books had actually changed the life of the author. In fact, for most of these pages a more appropriate title would have been "Books that I really, really liked a lot." Occasionally, it might have been called "Books that influenced my thinking," but I'm reluctant to refer to that as having changed one's life. I suppose I am irritated because I have my own list of books, and each one of them had effected a concrete, specific change in my life. It's not very long--maybe three books--but even that fact is interesting, since it shows how difficult it is for a book to change a reader, and consequently when it happens it is something worth pondering. How to Read a Book, by Mortimer Adler and Charles ... ...you how valuable those sessions were to me. They gave me the opportunity to apply his techniques diligently, enough for them to become habits, and to writings that were good enough to stand up under that kind of scrutiny. Nowadays I don't always apply the techniques; most books simply aren't worth the effort. But when I stumble onto something worthwhile, a pencil will magically appear in my hand and I will begin analyzing it before I'm aware of what I'm doing.

Monday, January 13, 2020

Physical Education Lesson Plan Essay

1. Grade level: Second Grade 2. Estimated level of developmental stage: predictable, self-paced (Hastie, 2012). 3. Number of students: Twenty 4. Fundamental skill (to be taught): Dribbling a soccer ball with their feet 5. State standard for Washington State (NASPE, 2008) a. Demonstrates locomoter skills in a variety of activities and lead-up games i. Example: Uses walking/jogging/running skills in soccer ii. Demonstrates manipulative skills with stationary targets 1. Example: Kicks a ball toward a goal iii. Demonstrates mature form in manipulative skills in a variety of activities 2. Example: Traps a ball in soccer Section 2: 1. Student objective: a. As a result of this lesson students will be able to demonstrate dribbling skills while both walking and then jogging. Students will also be able to demonstrate trapping a ball and kicking a ball towards a stationary object. 2. Lesson description b. During this activity students will practice dribbling a ball with their feet; first walking and then jogging. Students will maintain control of the ball using the inside of their foot while dribbling the ball between cones towards the pop-up goal at the end of the field. Once the student reaches the last cone they will then trap the ball with their foot and take aim at the goal. 3. Classroom management system and student grouping c. Students will be divided into five groups with four students in each  group; each student will receive a shape card and will then be grouped according to the shape displayed on the card. Students will be reminded at the start of class regarding the class rules and consequences. Students will be reminded to use kind words, respect others around you, listen carefully, use equipment properly, and if in doubt ask. Consequences and rewards will be handled on a case by case basis meaning praise will be given to individual students and actions will be corrected as necessary. Ultimately the goal is to keep all students involved and engaged while ensuring the safety of everyone. As an educator it is important to be consistent and fair to all students using positive reinforcement and encouraging students to stay on task. 4. Equipment needed d. Twenty soccer balls, twenty-five orange cones for setting up the obstacle course, five pop-up goals at the end of the course, and a large outside grassy field. Section 3: 1. Content: Write a script of what the teacher would say and include the following for each task/skill. a. Task #1: Dribbling while walking first in a straight line, then through the cones i. Introducing the task/skill 1. Our first objective is to practice dribbling our soccer ball while walking. Remember to use the inside and outside of your foot when moving the ball down the field. I want you to first walk down the field dribbling your ball next to the row of cones and then return dribbling the ball while walking through the cones. When the first student begins the return trip through the cones the second student in the group may begin dribbling their ball next to the cones. ii. Safety concerns, rules and protocols to follow during the task 2. Watch out for other students 3. Be careful not to overtake the student in front of you 4. If the ball gets away from you quickly retrieve it iii. Teaching the task/skill 5. Educator will demonstrate the task once at the beginning and then again if students have questions or need extra clarification. iv. Questions to ask during the task as a form of assessment 6. What part of our foot do we use to dribble a ball? 7. Do we want to keep the ball close or far away? b. Task #2: Dribbling while jogging; first in a straight line then through the cones v. Introducing the task/skill 8. Our second objective is to practice dribbling our soccer ball while jogging. Remember to use the inside and outside of your foot when moving the ball down the field. I want you to first jog down the field dribbling your ball next to the row of cones and then return dribbling the ball while jogging through the cones. When the first student begins the return trip through the cones the second student in the group may begin dribbling their ball next to the cones. vi. Safety concerns, rules and protocols to follow during the task 9. Watch out for other students 10. Be careful not to overtake the student in front of you 11. If the ball gets away from you quickly retrieve it vii. Teaching the task/skill 12. Educator will demonstrate the task once at the beginning and then again if students have questions or need extra clarification. viii. Questions to ask during the task as a form of assessment 13. Was it easier or harder to dribble while you were jogging versus when you were walking? 14. Does the change in speed from walking to jogging affect your ability to maintain control of the ball? 2. Culminating activity: c. Class, now we are going to combine our soccer skills together. We are going to have a relay race with each group being a team. The object of the game is for all students in each group to successfully kick their ball into the goal. The first student in each group will dribble their ball through the cones, trap the ball with their foot, and then kick the ball into the goal. Once their ball has successfully made it into the goal they will run back and tag the next teammate in line. The key to success in this game is maintaining control of your ball at all times. 3. Assessment: d. In order to assess the students in my class I would use observational skills to determine if they are meeting the lesson objectives. I would use a scale rating system; based on a scale of one to five, with five being perfect and one being unsatisfactory. I would rate the students based upon whether they could maintain control of a ball while dribbling, trap the ball with their foot, and accurately kick the ball towards a stationary object. Section 4: 1. Home/school connection: a. I would send out an email to all parents suggesting ways students can practice dribbling skills at home. In the email I would include ideas such as parents setting up an obstacle course for kids to dribble through. I would suggest that parents can use household objects such as soup cans for the â€Å"cones† and any round ball would work for dribbling. I would encourage parents to practice with their kids by first demonstrating the skill and then just participating. When parents are involved with their kids in a physical activity the child is more likely to stick with it longer and of course it is an excellent way for parents to bond with their child. 2. Modifications and adaptations b. Inclusion of a child with a physical impairment (e.g. a child confined to a wheelchair, or a child that requires the use of assistive technology). i. One way to include a child confined to a wheelchair would be to have them hold the soccer ball in their lap and maneuver their wheelchair through the cones; upon reaching the end they can throw the ball into the goal. A second way to include them would be to have them use a paddle to â€Å"dribble† the ball through the cones and ultimately hitting the ball into the goal. c. Inclement weather or an altered schedule forces you to change your location. Choose a different location to discuss (e.g. a smaller classroom as opposed to a gym). ii. Due to inclement weather the lesson would need to be moved indoors to the gym. Since the gym floor surface is much smoother than a grassy field I would have the student’s only practice dribbling while walking in order to maintain better control of their ball. d. Several children from a  different grade are temporarily joining this class for this particular lesson. iii. In order to include all students fairly I would disperse the children in groups using the shape cards, but if one group was disproportionately older students or younger students I would need to rearrange a bit. In order for the relay race to be fair each group would need an even mixture of older students versus younger students. References Hastie, P. (2012). Foundations of moving & learning. San Diego, CA. Bridgepoint Education, Inc. NASPE (2008). Washington State K-12 state standards. Retrieved from http://www.k12.wa.us/HealthFitness/Standards-GLEs/HealthFitnessStateStandards.PDF.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Air Canada - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 5 Words: 1399 Downloads: 10 Date added: 2019/10/10 Did you like this example? This is so far the largest airline in Canada. It was established in 1937 and it provides flight services to cargos and passengers to over 180 destinations across the globe. It is also among the top ten world largest passenger airplane and it is also among the founder members of the Star Alliance. The organization is likely to face issues rising from the external environmental factors in the next five years that might have some impacts on its HR strategy. Such issues and their respective impacts on the HR strategy are discussed broadly below. On the economic climate, the organization is likely to face severe net loss especially when the new Wet Jet is launched next year. This is because it will have to deploy its planes to the domestic routes and the rouge subsidiary. This means that more employees will have to be employed by the organization and hence increasing its cost of operations that might result into huge losses. The losses will have affect the HR strategy because the company will be forced to reduce some workers either by attrition or by termination and so that the company does not spend too much resources on paying employees (Vosa, 2010). The organization may also have to increase the airline costs to help cater for the losses that might befall it due. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Air Canada" essay for you Create order Concerning globalization climate, the organization might run out of expatriates to deal with clients and customers worldwide due to the globalized business. With will have an effect on the strategies of the AIR CANADA organization in the following ways. The organization’s HR will be obliged to pursue employees to work in some places far from home up to periods that are extended. This means that the air Canada will have to cater for the employees housing and orientation to new customers. These services must also be provided to the families of the employees by the HR of the organization because the employees cannot literary spend more time abroad without their spouses and children if they had. The company will also be obliged to train employees that are abroad and may not attend their live sessions in Canada. They may have to conduct virtual training conducted live through the internet and the teleconferences so that they are updated to what the global changes may require. The H R will also have to adjust its communication techniques to the employees abroad because of the difference in time zone (Torrington, Hall Taylor, 2008). They must give out information on exact time without assumptions that the employees operating in remote countries will be available at odd times, thus they will have to set up alerts of emails in such a way that they reach the employee who is abroad at the beginning of his/her work day. Similarly, concerning the political and legislative factors, the AIR CANADA Company is likely to face new laws and standards concerning the workplace and compliance needs that will come with a lot of pressure within the next five years. These new regulation and work place compliance requirements will influence every step of the organization’s HR process. The laws may touch on hiring needs, the required level of training. In the same way, the government of Canada may impose a low requiring every firm in the land to give higher compensation to employees without terminating any single employee (Torrington, Hall Taylor, 2008). Such laws will force the HR department to re organize its strategic plan so that it complies fully with them. If the company fails to adhere to these laws and regulations, it may attract heavy penalties and extensive fines and if it was so severe can cost the company to shut down completely. For instance, if the government imposes new laws that require the AIR CANADA to prevent sexual harassment of its workers and passengers in the plane, the company will be obliged to formulate new internal regulations to prevent such cases so that it operates within the framework of the legislation. Technological factors will also likely to face the company within the next five years and in the end cause an impact of the strategies of the HR. The passage of time has allowed transformation of AIR Canada into information technology age from the year 1937 when it begun its operations up to now. There is likely to be a new development in technology that may require new system of plane operations worldwide and this will require more need to advance in the HRIM strategic field. This means that the organization will need more expatriates not only in HR but also in the efficient use of technology in addition to the application of their HR analytical skills (Ensher, Nielson Grant, 2002). Need my arise on handling the increasing demands of the organization’s flight services due to the increased world population and thus the company will have to develop a technological mechanism in such a way that every customer is satisfied entirely with their services. It will have to train new e mployees on IT skills or hire IT experts to help in handling the increasingly technological needs of the company. This technological advancement will also change the HR hiring Techniques such that new job applicants will not need to submit their application forms manually but rather do it via online system that assess and picks out the outstanding person with the required skills. The organization is also likely to face the demographic factors within the next five years and they comprise the workforce characteristics such as education level, race, gender and cultural background. The organization will have to a balance in the sector of gender, race and diverse ethnicity due to the increasing awareness of equality worldwide. Therefore, the HR will be affected in such a way that they design the jobs by keeping a balance in the work-life of the employees (Varma Budhwar, 2013). This will be impacted in the planning of the HR, whereby all balanced demographic factors must be present before the department makes a decision otherwise it will be considered biased. The HR has to also consider demographic factors when recruiting and workplace security so that there is an internal peace among the workers and a certain level of satisfaction. In other words, due to the increasing diversification of workforce, the company will have to practice different motivation needs and strategies to retain them regardless of race, gender or ethnicity. Additionally, the shareholders have a much greater impact on the operation of the AIR Canada Company and are likely to influence the HR strategic decisions in the next five years. This is because the main gender of shareholders is to see that the company maximizes profit earnings so that their equity is also maximized. Due to the increasing competition and other external demands, the shareholders are likely to pressurize the HR department to lay fresh strategies to make sure that their objective of profit maximization is met fully. These shareholders have a rather direct influence on this organization because they vote for the board members whom they believe will prioritize their preferences. In addition to that, the organization has some shareholders who hold large amounts of shares with the organization and they may publicly voice their concerns to sway the decisions of the company (Kokkaew Koompai, 2012). The shareholders are also likely to bring more changes in the strategic pla nning of the company. This is because the company has in other circumstances neglected the philanthropic pursuits to fulfill the financial goals of the shareholders. Therefore, they are likely to make a decision to affect the strategic plan in such a way that their financial interests are not ignored at any circumstance. In conclusion, the external environment of Air Canada organization is changing rapidly and is probably going to change more rapidly within the next five years. Therefore, the professionals of HR should get prepared to comply with the requirements that are changing at an increasing rate. It is also evidenced from this text that it is not in the capacity of the Air Canada to control such external environments yet they have a very heavy impact on its performance. Apart from affecting the performance of the organization, the external factors have proved to likely cause the HR professionals to incorporate the necessary measures so that they align themselves with these issues due the impact that causes them to re-design their HR practices.